Unraveling the Mystery: Rumors of a 10-Foot Alien at Miami Mall Raise Eyebrows |

A peculiar and unverified rumor has been circulating, sending waves of curiosity and skepticism through the Miami community. Whispers of a supposed 10-foot alien sighting at a local mall have sparked a flurry of discussions and speculations.

US conducted ‘multi-decade’ secret UFO program, ex-intelligence official says |

The hearing attracted intense global interest, and provided speculation and claims that the US is hiding evidence of alien life and technology – mixed with large doses of skepticism.

Ukraine’s Astronomers Say There Are Tons of UFOs Over Kyiv |

Ukraine’s airspace has been busy this year—that’s the nature of war. But scientists in the country are looking to the skies and seeing something they didn’t expect: An inordinate number of UFOs, according to a new preprint paper published by Kyiv’s Main Astronomical Observatory in coordination with the country’s National Academy of Science.

Dozens of sailors say their warships were swarmed by “at least 100” otherworldly UFOs |

An unexplained object is seen at center as it soars among the clouds, traveling against the wind. “There’s a whole fleet of them,” a naval aviator tells another, though only one indistinct object is shown.

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