Unknown space structure larger than the Milky Way is discovered |

Astronomers have uncovered fresh facts about one of the universe’s oddest structures. Odd enough to be called “Radio Circles” (ORC). These enormous occurrences are unexplained and may have a million light-year diameters. Five ORCs have been found, with six more potential. Scientists can’t describe these unfathomable monsters to humans. “A March 20 report gives newContinue reading “Unknown space structure larger than the Milky Way is discovered |”

28 Billion Light-Years Away: The Most Distant Star Ever Discovered |

NASA announced the Hubble telescope broke a new record– detecting the most distant star ever seen. The newly detected star existed within the first billion years after the universe’s birth, the big bang. The star is so far away that its light took 12.9 billion years to reach earth. The light appeared to the astronomers theContinue reading “28 Billion Light-Years Away: The Most Distant Star Ever Discovered |”

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