Mysterious malevolent-looking mummified mermaid discovered in Japan |

In an article published by Live Science entitled “Haunting ‘mermaid’ mummy from Japan is a gruesome monkey-fish hybrid with ‘dragon claws,’ new scans reveal“, they discussed the controversial and unusual discovery of Japanese scientists about a weird and fearsome looking real mermaid with its physical appearance resembles to a fish, monkey, and lizard! It’s soContinue reading “Mysterious malevolent-looking mummified mermaid discovered in Japan |”

Mystery of a 300-year-old mυmmified ‘mermaid’ with ‘hυmaп face’ aпd tail has baffled scieпtists |

A мysteгioυs cгeatυгe aboυt 30 cм loпg is believed to have beeп caυght iп a fisheгмaп’s пet off the coast of Shikokυ Islaпd, Japaп, oп the Pacific coast betweeп 1736 aпd 1741.

Ang mga ‘Cannibal Sirens’ ng Bicol |

Ang paniniwala sa mga sirena o (“Sirens“, sa Ingles) ay matagal nang bahagi ng bawat kultura saanman sa daigdig. Hindi rin papahuli ang Pilipinas sa ganitong mythological entities. Ayon sa paniniwala ng karamihan, ang sirena ay isang maalamat na nilalang na may “kalahating-tao, at kalahating-isda.” Madalas itong naging kuwento para sa mga bata. Inilalarawan angContinue reading “Ang mga ‘Cannibal Sirens’ ng Bicol |”

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