The Noble Profession: Celebrating the Dedication and Impact of Teachers |

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future by educating and inspiring the next generation. Their dedication, passion, and hard work are essential in nurturing young minds and preparing students for success in life.

Top 5 best ‘High Schools’ in the Philippines? |

Schools are the first place where education begins. Just how parents raise their children into personal responsibility, the schools, where teachers taught students to learn basic things in life, becomes their place of learning and shelters. School is an educational institution. Here in the Philippines, we proudly present to you the best schools.

11-Year-Old Iranian Girl Gets the Highest Mensa I.Q Score, Beating Einstein, and Hawking |

An 11-year-old Iranian school girl has just become the new face of braininess after receiving the highest possible score on the Mensa IQ test. Tara Sharifi, a student from Aylesbury High School in the United Kingdom, recently took the test in Oxford and received an astounding 162 points. Sharifi’s score is significantly over the “geniusContinue reading “11-Year-Old Iranian Girl Gets the Highest Mensa I.Q Score, Beating Einstein, and Hawking |”

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