Darwinian Evolutionism is Purely “Pseudoscience” |

Atheists sometimes insult Christian believers for believing in a fantastic “talking snake” (referring to Satan) but also believe in a “talking fish”. This makes them unreasonable. |  Photo Credits: Atheism Fails Did you know that Charles Darwin, who was thought of by many as the originator of theoretical evolution, is not the main proponent ofContinue reading “Darwinian Evolutionism is Purely “Pseudoscience” |”

Common objections to evolution |

Since evolutionary ideas came to prominence in the 19th century, objections to evolutionary theory have been raised. Some thought it was Charles Darwin who brought the theory of evolution but that’s a wrong assumption because evolutionism has its world in ancient times. The minds of early pagan philosophers are molded by this evolutionary concept. So,Continue reading “Common objections to evolution |”

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