Tragedy Unveiled: The Detailed Tribulation of Jews during the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD |

However, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.” — Luke 21:20, NWT

In a devastating turn of events, the once-great city of Jerusalem has been plunged into chaos and destruction as Roman forces, led by the renowned General Titus, have laid siege to the city, resulting in a harrowing tribulation for its Jewish inhabitants. What does this horrible siege of Jerusalem mean?

In her book The Siege of Jerusalem: A Broadview Anthology of British Literature Edition, Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin summarizes the siege of Jerusalem in her introduction, saying: “The Siege of Jerusalem (c. 1370—90 CE) is a difficult text. By twenty-first-century standards, it is gruesomely violent and offensive. It tells the story of the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, an event viewed by its author (as by many in the Middle Ages) as divine retribution against the Jews for the killing of Christ.” — p. 15

Christ predicted the fall of his beloved city of Jerusalem. He prophesied in the early years, possibly 33 CE, the destruction of the Temple. Luke 21:5-6 says: “And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, as for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” (King James Version)

In the Insight of the Scriptures published by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus called “Jerusalem the ‘killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her‘. The city as a whole followed the pattern of its past and rejected the Son of God. (Matthew 23:37) Jesus foretold what would happen: ‘The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes.’ (Luke 19:41-44) He also said: ‘When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then… let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.’ (Luke 21:20, 21).” — p. 751

Boyarin views the destruction of the first-century city of Jerusalem as “divine retribution against the Jews for the killing of Christ.”

The siege, which began in April of this year, has brought about widespread suffering and despair among the Jewish population. As supplies dwindle and starvation sets in, the people of Jerusalem have been forced to endure unimaginable hardships.

Reports from inside the city speak of atrocities committed by both sides, with acts of violence and cruelty becoming increasingly common as desperation grows. Families have been torn apart, homes destroyed, and lives shattered as the once-proud city teeters on the brink of collapse.

Amidst the chaos, the Jewish people have shown remarkable resilience and courage, with many choosing to fight to the bitter end rather than surrender to the Roman forces. However, the odds are stacked against them, and hope is fading fast.

As the siege drags on, the plight of the Jewish population grows ever more desperate. With each passing day, the destruction of Jerusalem draws closer, and the future looks increasingly bleak for those who call this ancient city their home.

The world watches in horror as one of the greatest tragedies of the ancient world unfolds before our eyes. The tribulation of the Jews during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD serves as a stark reminder of the brutality of war and the fragility of civilization.

As the dust settles and the city lies in ruins, one thing is clear: the events of 70 AD will be remembered as a dark chapter in the history of Jerusalem, a city that has seen more than its fair share of suffering and sorrow.

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Published by Jason Jeth

𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒉 took his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus. He is currently studying for his Master of Arts in Social Studies (MAT-Soc Stud) at Filamer Christian University. He is a licensed professional teacher, and a social influencer through his multi-talented skills in publishing articles and books, video logging, songwriting, music production, and teaching. He is the founder of Jason Jeth Newshub, a news blog site. He is also a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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