The history of dengue fever |

Jehovah now said to Moses: ‘Say to Aaron, β€˜Stretch out your rod and strike the dust of the earth, and it must become gnats in all the land of Egypt.‘” β€” Exodus 8:16, NWT

The history of dengue fever traces back several centuries, marked by its evolving understanding and increasing prevalence.

Ancient China (265–420 AD). The first probable record of dengue is found in a Chinese medical encyclopedia, describing a water poison associated with flying insects.

The first clinical descriptions recognizable as dengue were reported nearly simultaneously in Asia, Africa, and North America.

Benjamin Rush, a prominent American physician, provided one of the earliest detailed accounts of a dengue outbreak in Philadelphia. He referred to it as “breakbone fever” due to the severe muscle and joint pain it caused.

Dengue virus was identified as the causative agent of the disease. The Aedes aegypti mosquito was confirmed as the primary vector for dengue transmission. Aedes aegypti mosquito is also known as the yellow fever mosquito. It is a type of insect that can spread diseases like dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika fever, Mayaro, and yellow fever viruses to humans. This mosquito is recognized by its black and white markings on its legs.

Aedes Aegypti. | Wikipedia.

The first dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) epidemics were reported in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and the Philippines.

Dengue is recognized as one of the most significant mosquito-borne viral diseases, with an estimated 390 million infections occurring annually. Efforts are ongoing to develop effective vaccines and implement mosquito control strategies.

The history of dengue highlights the challenges of infectious disease control and the importance of global cooperation in managing public health threats.

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Published by Jason Jeth

𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒉 took his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus. He is currently studying for his Master of Arts in Social Studies (MAT-Soc Stud) at Filamer Christian University. He is a licensed professional teacher, and a social influencer through his multi-talented skills in publishing articles and books, video logging, songwriting, music production, and teaching. He is the founder of Jason Jeth Newshub, a news blog site. He is also a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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