How does science refute the theory of evolution?|

Refuting the theory of evolution would require providing evidence that contradicts the vast amount of data supporting it. Evolutionists say that science supports the theory of evolution. But there are lots of problems when science itself will throw away the theory. Here is some of the scientific evidence that disproves the current understanding of evolutionism theory.

Find Fossil Evidence that Contradicts Evolution

The Challenge: The fossil record provides a detailed history of life on Earth. If you could find a fossil that clearly belonged to a time period where it shouldn’t exist according to evolutionary theory, this could potentially refute the theory of evolution. For example, finding a fossil of a rabbit in Precambrian rocks would contradict our current understanding of evolution.

The Result: Recent discovery rocks the world of evolution when scientists found various fossil evidence that contradicts the theory of evolution. According to the recently released book The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos, regarding the theory of evolution, “the fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. Even Darwin himself was quite aware of this problem for his theory and therefore tried to explain it away as a mere artifact of undersampling of a very incomplete fossil record. The famous vertebrate paleontologist Philip Gingerich once irritably remarked that “’gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps.'”

Bob Ryan observes and concludes in his article in The Times of Israel: “The fossil records used to justify evolution all have millions of years of gaps, when an assumed predecessor can be found. There is no transitional fossil between completed species in the fossil records. There is no moment of movement between water and land. Nothing in between to show the point of connection between two completed species.

The Watchtower describes how Darwin conceded his theory if ever there are flaws to be found right there: “However, is the fossil record complete enough for a fair test of whether it is creation or evolution that finds support? Over a century ago, Darwin did not think so. What was “wrong” with the fossil record in his time? It did not contain the transitional links required to support his theory. This situation caused him to say: “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory.

Demonstrate a Violation of Established Principles of Evolution

The Challenge: If you could show that heritable traits do not change over generations in populations, or that such changes do not lead to different survival and reproduction rates (natural selection), it would challenge the theory of evolution.

The Result: Heritable traits can and do change over generations in populations known as genetic variation. Evolutionists believe that genetic variations occur due to several factors such as mutations. But the problem is that the only beneficial mutations ever observed do not add new information to the genome.

Evolutionists assume that by the process of mutations, it supported the notion that “accidental” changes play their part inside the cell nucleus but it is pretty terrifying to believe in those assumptions! Why?

Because “mutations” are part of a speculation. British zoologist Colin Patterson observed: “Speculation is free. We know nothing about these regulatory master genes.”

The truth is not what rests on mutations but on experiments. The Watchtower pointed out by saying that “experiments have shown that they also can be caused by external agents such as radiation and chemicals. And how often do they happen? The reproduction of genetic material in the cell is remarkably consistent. Relatively speaking, considering the number of cells that divide in a living thing, mutations do not occur very often. As Encyclopedia Americana commented, the reproducing “of the DNA chains composing a gene is remarkably accurate. Misprints or miscopying are infrequent accidents.”⁠

Also, many scientists conceded by saying that mutations “cannot transform an original species [of plant or animal] into an entirely new one. This conclusion agrees with all the experiences and results of mutation research of the 20th century taken together as well as with the laws of probability,” said Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, a scientist from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Germany.

Other challenges to the theory of evolution..

To refute the theory of evolution, one could propose an alternative theory that explains the diversity and complexity of life on Earth, and then provide evidence supporting this theory.

  • Absence of observation
  • Evidential instability
  • Scientific inconsistency
  • Absence of evolutionary mechanism in the present times
  • Common misconceptions
  • Cognitive challenges
  • Ambiguous language
  • Opposition to the idea that God is not the designer of the universe and that living things adapt to their environment.

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Published by Jason Jeth

𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒉 took his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus. He is currently studying for his Master of Arts in Social Studies (MAT-Soc Stud) at Filamer Christian University. He is a licensed professional teacher, and a social influencer through his multi-talented skills in publishing articles and books, video logging, songwriting, music production, and teaching. He is the founder of Jason Jeth Newshub, a news blog site. He is also a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

One thought on “How does science refute the theory of evolution?|

  1. Modern evolutionary theory does contradict Darwinism because Darwin didn’t get everything right the first time. He came up with many correct ideas and several incorrect ones. That’s generally how science works; Newton didn’t get the theory of gravity right the first time, it took Einstein and others to modify it and there are still known problems with the theory of gravity that have yet to be resolved. The modern theory of evolution is much more complex and explains many of the problems with Darwin’s theory such as gradualism but there are still open problems that have yet to be solved just like with gravity and every other area of science.


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