Is Ouija board dangerous? |

No one among you… cast spells, consult a medium or a familiar spirit, or inquire of the dead.” — Deuteronomy 18:11, HCSB

Some people believe that Ouija boards are a harmless way to communicate with various kinds of spirits, while others warn that they can open doors to much more horrifying demonic entities and lead into possession. The Catholic Church, and other Christian denominations consider Ouija boards (as a game board) to be a form of divination, or spiritism which is forbidden by God in the Bible.

According to some sources, Ouija boards can have negative spiritual consequences they are used in a disrespectful or fearful manner, or in places where there is a lot of chaotic energy, such as graveyards.

Some exorcists, whether a folk healer or a religious priest and ministers, and paranormal investigators, claim that using Ouija boards can invite evil spirits that pretend to be friendly or deceased loved ones, but have malicious intentions. Their goal is to deceive people and turn them away from worshipping God Almighty. Exorcists advise against using Ouija boards without proper protection and guidance.

Atheists and materialists believe that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of spirits or demons, or the ability to communicate them through Ouija boards. While this is part of the opinion of those skeptics, science does not rule out the possibility of the existence of the “unknown world”.

Demons are those “fallen angels” who rebelled against God and Christ in the beginning of the creation of mankind. They misled mankind through various forms of deception such as the use of Ouija boards.

What the Bible says about Spiritism?

The Bible strongly condemns spiritism, or divination and warns God’s people to avoid it. Spiritism is a practice that involves communicating with the spirits of the dead, or other supernatural beings such as angels, and demons. But the Bible, as the sole Word of God, forbids the people of God to use any forms of spiritism because of the danger and risk that it’s made. — Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-12

For more information about Ouija boards, please read the article related to Ouija Boards.

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Published by Jason Jeth

𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒉 took his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus. He is currently studying for his Master of Arts in Social Studies (MAT-Soc Stud) at Filamer Christian University. He is a licensed professional teacher, and a social influencer through his multi-talented skills in publishing articles and books, video logging, songwriting, music production, and teaching. He is the founder of Jason Jeth Newshub, a news blog site. He is also a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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