Darwinian Evolutionism is Purely “Pseudoscience” |

Atheists sometimes insult Christian believers for believing in a fantastic “talking snake” (referring to Satan) but also believe in a “talking fish”. This makes them unreasonable. |  Photo Credits: Atheism Fails

Did you know that Charles Darwin, who was thought of by many as the originator of theoretical evolution, is not the main proponent of this theory?

Here are the following authoritative references that provide this information:

“Most of his “contributions” to experimental or observational science were quite mundane. His theories were not original, and he consistently failed to give credit to his predecessors. Documentation in his books was almost nonexistent.”¹

Another author declares that Darwin’s Origin of the Species has no documentation. It does not exist:

“Darwin was slippery . . . [using] a flexible strategy which is not to be reconciled with even average intellectual integrity. . . . He began more and more to grudge praise to those who had paved the way for him. . . .Darwin damned Lamarck and also his grandfather for being very ill-dressed fellows at the same moment he was stealing their clothes.”²

Another top evolutionist admitted:

“Darwin was not a thinker and he did not originate the ideas that he used. He vacillated, added, retracted, and confused his traces. As soon as he crossed the dividing line between the realm of events and the realm of theory, he became “metaphysical” in a bad sense. His power of drawing out the implications of his theories was at no time very remarkable, but when it came to the moral order it disappeared altogether, as that penetrating
evolutionist, Nietzsche, observed with some disdain.”³

Despite much evolutionist criticism of Darwin’s theories in recent years, the adulation of Darwin persists. This is how some people ignore the truth and listening to the deception of evolutionism and “their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened”⁴ by “foolish worldly philosophies”.

Until now, Darwin did not finally solve the mystery of the evolutionary origin of new species.

Another interesting thing is that in one of The chapters of “On the Origin of Species”, Charles Darwin himself acknowledged that the fossil record presented difficulties for his theory.

Here, he listed four common objections that he recognized [that could destroy evolutionary theory] if not resolved. It would ultimately be fatal to his theory!

1. The lack of transitional forms;
2. The incredible complexity of such human organs as the eyes;
3. The development of instincts in animals; and
4. The sterility in crossbreeding of species.

Where do Darwin and his colleagues borrow the concept of evolution and make it an easier ideological legacy?

Actually, before Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, pagan religions and mostly tribal groups believe such things. In his foreword to Dr. Henry Morris’ book, ‘The Long War Against God, Dr. David Jeremiah wrote:

“Dr. Morris documents the fact that the idea of evolution did not originate with Darwin. Evolution is basic in ancient and modern ethnic religions and all forms of pantheism. Naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace admitted that he received the basic tenets of the Darwinian in a Malaysian jungle.”⁵

One of the articles featured in the South China Morning Post asked a question ‘Is the Hindu monkey god Hanuman Homo erectus? Is the Hindu monkey god Hanuman Homo erectus?” Then, the editor admitted that there is a “new book by an Indian scholar contends that the monkey god Hanuman belonged to an extinct human species.” This book may refer to the Hindu epic Ramayana which told us about Hanuman — an ‘ape-man’ humanoid that is worshipped by their ancestors as a god.

Hanuman is just another source of inspiration for the theory of evolution. | Photo credits: SCMP

The theory of evolution is just a fantasy disguises as a modernized scientific subject for those who do not content for design and creation.

According to Professor Louis Bounoure, Director of Strasbourg Zoological Museum, “Evolution is a fairytale for grown-ups. The theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless.”

Another acclaimed author, D. James Kennedy, said, “In Grimm’s fairytales, you kiss a frog and in two seconds, it becomes a prince. That is a fairytale. In evolution, you kiss a frog and in two million years, it becomes a prince!”

No wonder certain reputable scientists are now describing evolution by such terms as “myth”.⁶

Well, kids love watching Pokemon animated cartoons which promote “evolutionism”. It is also interesting to note that even Harry Potter promotes this idea in “magical” ways!

Another funny thing is when atheists and evolutionists mocked or insult Christian believers about a “talking snake”, but believes that ” human beings are still fish”, acclaimed by atheist-evolutionist P.Z Myers! Therefore, atheists believe in a talking fish.

Darwinian “evolutionary theory” carries the greatest number of false science articles, bad science “research”, disregard and denial of all physical evidence for design, and truckloads of incredibly bad logic, irrationalism, of any ” science” ever? Of course, many disingenuous “self-proclaimed scientists” will falsify data to deceive the unlearned and unaware individuals. They will do this for the sake of money, and their business career. But they will be dishonest to themselves and the public eye. You cannot trust all “science” when there are those who “claim to be wise, they became fools.”⁷

The advancement of scientific technology can cause detrimental results to the general public. A few examples are the dropping of the atomic bomb; prescription medications dispensed to patients before adequate testing studies have been completed, and scientific fraud!

Before science was discovered, the Holy Scripture that we called the “Bible” — one of the most distributed and popular books of all time, declares that the universe, our planet, all animals, plants, and human beings were created by a super-intelligent “non-physical spirit being” or God, not by mere random chance or evolution. — Genesis 1:1-31; Revelation 4:12✍


¹ Morris, Henry, ‘The Long War Against God’, (Many Books, 2000), pp. 152.

² Cyril D. Darlington, Darwin’s Place in History (London, 1959), pp. 60, 62.
Darlington was a professor of botany at Oxford.

³ Jacques Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958),
p. 84.

⁴ Romans 1:21, English Standard Version.

⁵ (ibid, p.8).

⁶ Prof. John N. Moore, Michigan State University, paper of December 27, 1971, p.5).

⁷ Romans 1:22

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Published by Jason Jeth

𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒉 took his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus. He is currently studying for his Master of Arts in Social Studies (MAT-Soc Stud) at Filamer Christian University. He is a licensed professional teacher, and a social influencer through his multi-talented skills in publishing articles and books, video logging, songwriting, music production, and teaching. He is the founder of Jason Jeth Newshub, a news blog site. He is also a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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